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Via Bernardino Zenale, 40/A - 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)

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For more information:

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Via Bernardino Zenale, 40/A

 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)
Tel. 02 99021021 - Fax 02 99020095


VATIN 02245370131 - TC 02819300878

Leader in the electricity market, we produce components for energy distribution.

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Office of Milan Register of companies n.02819300878 | Office of Milan Register of companies n.02819300878

We work all over Italy, discover our Sales Network 


Oec is a solid company that is present on the market since 1922, leader in the production of components for low voltage energy distribution.

Among the first Italian companies to use glass fibre-reinforced polyester resins in the production to mould electrical equipment as well as fixtures destined to electrical substations and energy distribution, over the years OEC has specialised in placing the products’ quality as a prerogative while positioning itself as a relevant reality within the specific national context.


Since 1996, it has been part of the NTET Group, that has always been a reference point in the production and sale of innovative solutions and systems for industries in the field of Telecommunications, Energy, Automotive and Civil Engineering.


Over the years, research and development have allowed OEC to increase and specialize its know-how, boasting today the ownership of utility and industrial innovation patents. The use of special raw materials, together with a careful planning, have permitted the introduction in the products portfolio of housings for smart metering units with a low attenuation of radio frequency (< 2dBm), branching systems with SPD protection for lighting systems, metal and fibre-reinforced resin fixtures with anti-burglary technology (RC2 and RC3) and equipped with passive mechatronic systems.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to offer quality products to the market that allow energy distribution in absolute safety and at competitive costs. The most important goal was to create a solid relationship with the main purchasing groups, including Elex, Sonepar, Fegim, etc. 
This strategic presence on the territory, combined with a deep expertise in the field, have allowed Oec to increase and retain its customers that can count on an efficient pre and post-sale assistance service.

Policy for gender equality

Equity, respect and inclusion represent the values ​​that guide relationships with our employees and partners.

Prevention of OEC Srl crimes

OEC Srl wants to actively contribute to the fight against corruption by adopting a Management System for the Prevention of Corruption according to the requirements indicated by the UNI ISO 37001:2016 standard and with the leadership's commitment to creating a culture based on integrity, transparency, honesty and compliance with laws.

The Management System for the Prevention of Corruption implemented by OEC , in fact, is represented by a set of activities designed and implemented with an integrated and synergistic approach, aimed at the continuous improvement of performance and the containment of corruption risks.


To monitor the correct implementation of the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption, in accordance with the provisions of the UNI ISO 37001:2016 standard, the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption has been designated, currently headed by Dr. Mia Rupcic, with which it is possible to communicate via the following PEC address:


In compliance with the provisions of UNI ISO 37001:2016 and Law 24/23 which regulates, among other things, the protection of employees who report alleged offenses (so-called Whistleblowing), OEC has established the possibility for anyone to make detailed reports in good faith and to protect the integrity of the company, based on precise and consistent factual elements, of illicit conduct (even if only suspicious or based on reasonable beliefs) and/or violations in general of the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption, of which he became aware due to the functions performed, also guaranteeing appropriate protections for the whistleblower not to suffer retaliation by the company.


In this regard, the following alternative channels have been established:
- by email, to the addresses above, directly to the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption;
- through the use of an IT channel, which guarantees the confidentiality of the data contained in the report through secure protocols and encryption tools that allow the protection of personal data and information, including those included in any attachments.


OEC Srl has defined its own Policy regarding the Prevention of Corruption , which includes:

Rigorous and full compliance with current legislation regarding the prevention and fight against corruption, in Italy and in any country where OEC Srl operates;
The absolute prohibition on engaging in behavior that could be considered as corruption or attempted corruption;
The identification, within its activities, of areas of potential risk and identification and implementation of suitable actions to reduce/minimize the risks themselves;
The commitment to plan and implement one's policies and actions so as not to be involved in any way in cases or attempts of a corrupt nature and not to risk involvement in situations of an illicit nature with public or private entities;
Raising awareness among business partners so that they adopt, in the activities of their specific competence, policies and actions for the prevention of corruption phenomena;
Raising awareness and training of its employees and managers on the issues of preventing corruption;
Method of reporting, via the Web, illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the Anti-Corruption Policy, directly to the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption, of suspicions in good faith, or on the basis of a reasonable belief, without fear of retaliation;
The pursuit of any behavior that does not comply with the corruption prevention policy with the application of the organization's sanctioning system;
The presence of a compliance function for the prevention of corruption, which is guaranteed full authority and independence;
The commitment to the continuous improvement of corruption prevention activities, thanks to the monitoring activities established within the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption created pursuant to the UNI ISO 37001:2016 Standard.







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