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Via Bernardino Zenale, 40/A - 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)

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For more information:

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Via Bernardino Zenale, 40/A

 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)
Tel. 02 99021021 - Fax 02 99020095


VATIN 02245370131 - TC 02819300878

Leader in the electricity market, we produce components for energy distribution.

Whistleblowing reports

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Office of Milan Register of companies n.02819300878 | Office of Milan Register of companies n.02819300878

Through this page you can forward your reports in relation to facts and events in conflict with the principles of our Management System for the Prevention of Corruption created pursuant to the UNI ISO 37001:2016 Standard, which will be delivered exclusively to the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption, Dr. Mia Rupcic.


OEC Srl undertakes to manage all reports received, anonymous or otherwise, and relating to issues in the "Prevention of Corruption" field.

The whistleblower must be aware of the contents and purposes of the OEC Srl Corruption Prevention Policy available on the "Who we are" page of the company website, as well as the provisions of Law 24/23, declaring that the reporting of illicit conduct which is preparing to do is:

To protect the integrity of OEC Srl
A violation of OEC Srl's ISO 37001 Corruption Prevention Management System
Based on precise and consistent elements of fact
Based on information that I have come to know due to the functions performed


OEC Srl guarantees the right to maintain anonymity and maximum confidentiality on the facts contained in the report. 
OEC Srl undertakes not to implement any form of discrimination against the sender in the case of non-anonymous reporting, or if it is possible to identify the person who forwarded it.

The Report is managed by the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption, which records it and coordinates its resolution by activating all the necessary corrective actions.


OEC Srl has defined its own Policy regarding the Prevention of Corruption, which includes:

- Rigorous and full compliance with current legislation on the prevention and fight against corruption, in Italy and in any country where OEC Srl operates;
- The absolute prohibition of engaging in behavior that could be considered as corruption or attempted corruption;
- The identification, within its activities, of areas of potential risk and identification and implementation of actions suitable for reducing/minimising the risks themselves;
- The commitment to plan and implement one's policies and actions so as not to be in any way involved in cases or attempts of a corrupt nature and not to risk involvement in situations of an illicit nature with public or private entities;
- Raising awareness among business partners so that they adopt, in the activities of their specific competence, policies and actions for the prevention of corruption phenomena;
- Raising awareness and training of its employees and managers on the issues of preventing corruption;

- Method of reporting, via the Web, illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the Anti-Corruption Policy, directly to the Compliance Function for the Prevention of Corruption, of suspicions in good faith, or on the basis of a reasonable belief, without fear of retaliation ;
- The prosecution of any behavior that does not comply with the policy for the prevention of corruption with the application of the organization's sanctioning system
- The presence of a compliance function for the prevention of corruption, which is guaranteed full authority and independence;
- The commitment to continuous improvement of corruption prevention activities, thanks to the monitoring activities established within the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption created pursuant to the UNI ISO 37001:2016 Standard








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